sales & improv?

A powerful study by researchers Sue Jennings and Benjamin Palmer showed that after receiving emotional intelligence (EQ) training, a group of salespeople outperformed their counterparts who did not receive the training by an average of 12%. This resulted in a remarkable return on investment of $6 for every dollar spent on the training. These "EQ Sales Reps" also brought added benefit to the company – they had 63% less turnover in staff during the first year.

yes&sell program

yes&sell employs a comprehensive approach that combines sales alignment, applied discussions, simulations, exercises, and fundamental improv techniques, all within an intentionally curated psychological safe space. Our program not only examines how improv can inform and enhance your sales approach but also creates an environment where your team can thrive.

Through a series of tailored learning components, we empower your sales professionals to build smarter, more emotionally intelligent connections with clients. This approach equips them with the skills and emotional intelligence needed to adapt their messaging, methods, and offerings on the fly while remaining fully connected and in the moment during client interactions.

By integrating Adaptive Selling principles into your sales strategy, yes&sell transforms your sales team into a holistically confident and agile force in the market. The result is a significant increase in closed business opportunities and long lasting client relationships.


Enroll your team in our fun and engaging 4-week Improv Sales Training courses. Learn from the experts in live facilitator led zoom sessions, with material building on previous weeks. Find your sales craft, starting with foundational improv principles and take your sales game to the next level!

  • Improv Techniques for Active Listening and Rapport Building

    Improve your active listening and rapport-building skills. By increasing your emotional intelligence, salespeople will see an increase in sales conversion rates.

    4-Week Course

    (4) 90 Minute Live Sessions

    8-16 players per cohort

  • Techniques for Delivering Expert Demos

    Deliver persuasive product demos by mastering the art of delivering an effective sales pitch. Expect to see an increase in product adoption rates, faster sales cycles, and higher revenue growth.

    4-Week Course

    (4) 90 Minute Live Sessions

    8-16 players per cohort

  • Using Improv to Master Sales Prospecting

    Approach sales prospecting with confidence and creativity. By improving prospecting skills, salespeople may see an increase in qualified leads, shorter sales cycles, and higher sales conversion rates.

    4-Week Course

    (4) 90 Minute Live Sessions

    8-16 players per cohort

  • Using Improv to Build Resilience and Boost Sales

    Bounce back from rejection and develop resilience. By building resilience, salespeople may see a decrease in burnout rates, an increase in motivation and confidence, and higher sales conversion rates.

    4-Week Course

    (4) 90 Minute Live Sessions

    8-16 players per cohort

  • Sales Leader Guide to Improv

    Continue sales improv exercises, discussions and mindset by passing the torch to your sales leaders. This will allow learned practices to sink in and become consistent behaviors.

  • Team Building for a Cohesive Workplace (Happy Hour)

    promote team bonding and connection. By improving team bonding and connection, sales teams may see an increase in employee engagement, lower turnover rates, and higher sales revenue.

    90 Minute Live Session

    8-16 Players

  • Impact company culture with a uniquely tailored speaking engagement that aligns with company initiatives and culture. Great for QBRs, All Hands and SKOs

    Examples topics being “The Power of Play at Work”, “Embracing Radical Uncertainty” “Humanizing tech in an AI World”

  • Emotional Intelligence, Empathy, Creativity, Communication and Collaboration are all in the top 10 essential soft skills for the future of work.

  • Sales reps who increased their Emotional Intelligence by 18 percent later improved their total sales revenue by 12 percent.

  • Optimistic sales pros outperform pessimists by 57%. That’s even true when pessimists have better selling skill sets.

let’s improve your sales